A mulher que escreveu a Bíblia (The woman who wrote the Bible)

This is the fictional account of an anonymous woman who becomes author of the first version of the Bible three thousand years ago. It is a mischievous narrative that alternates between biblical language and vulgar slang.

Aided by a former historian turned “past-life therapist,” the woman discovers that in the 10th century BC, she was one of King Solomon’s seven hundred wives – the ugliest of them all, but the only one who could read and write. Enchanted by this unusual ability, the monarch tasked her with writing the history of humanity – and of the Jewish people in particular – a task to which a committee of scribes had been devoted for years without success.

With language that transitions between lofty biblical diction and the most vulgar slang, the anonymous writer tells her story from the time she was just an anonymous figure, the daughter of an obscure tribal chief.
